Marla MacKay, RVT
Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Marla is a 1993 graduate of the former Nova Scotia Agricultural College AHT program (now Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture). She had the great fortune of working at the Ontario Veterinary College from 1993-2002 and it was there during her time in the radiology department that she received training to perform small animal abdominal ultrasounds. Today she has come full circle and is an instructor in the veterinary technology program at Dalhousie. She is super passionate about teaching vet techs ultrasound and hopes to ignite the same passion in her students.
Getting Started RVTs & Ultrasound: Knobology
Although learning to capture representative images does take time and commitment – it is certainly very doable. Marla MacKay discusses in our 3rd article in the series RVTs & Ultrasound: Knobology.
Ultrasound and RVTs – Getting Started
Performing diagnostic ultrasound scans can generate new revenue, free up veterinarian’s time, and add to the job satisfaction of the technician. But how do we make this a reality?