Amy Birchall, RVT
Originally from Halifax, NS, I Graduated from the Olds College Veterinary Technology Program in 2003. For a few years after graduation I worked in rural mixed animal practice, then I started working at a small animal and exotics practice closer to Calgary. There I developed a love of small animal anesthesia and surgery.
In 2008, I started teaching back at Olds College. I continued my focus on small animal anesthesia and surgery, with those areas being where I taught most frequently. In about 2012, my focus of teaching changed somewhat to include small animal dentistry.
In 2014, I moved back to Halifax to live closer to my family. In March of 2015, I started teaching in Dalhousie University’s Veterinary Technology Program. At Dalhousie, I teach small animal anesthesia, emergency critical care nursing, pain management, and small animal dentistry. I teach in both lecture and hands-on learning environments.
I currently live in Dartmouth, NS with my husband, 2 sons, and 3 cats. I also own a horse who resides in Shubenacadie, NS. I ride dressage in my spare time.
Sun, Water, & Safety in the Sweet Summertime
Let’s look at some of the safety concerns for our family members on four paws!
Anything But Straight Forward: A Journey with Bisecting Angle Technique
Mastering the bisecting angle technique can be anything but straight forward sometimes. Amy Birchall, RVT, takes us on her journey of mastering her angles
Ho, Ho, Ho, Uh oh! Winter Holiday Hazards
As veterinary professionals, we need to have a good understanding of what toxins are problematic and what diagnostic tools are needed to help us understand our patient’s status.
Use of Technicians during a COHAT; a Clinic’s Most Powerful Asset
In this article I want to focus on the COHAT (Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment & Treatment) and the use of veterinarians and technicians during the procedure.
Mental Health PPE
What if we had a world of mental health PPE? What would that look like? What are the things we should be doing daily to make sure our mental health is as good as it can be?
Dental Radiography & The Diagnostic Process: The Technician ‘Key’
When you start with dental radiography, be kind to yourself! Instead of trying for perfection, aim to get what we need for diagnostics.
Multitasking! Let’s Be Realistic!
What is multitasking and how does it relate to complex tasks like dentistry and anesthesia?
Dental Blocks: Are They Right for Your Patient? (The answer is “yes”)
Any complete anesthetic and pain management plan should include regional analgesia or freezing. With proper training, regional analgesia is a powerful tool and well within a technician’s a scope of practice to perform.
Anesthesia for Dentistry
Learn about safety through, what is often, a prolonged anesthesia, pain management, and an effective dentistry.
Someone to Watch Over Me
Medicine is always changing and improving so we need to always be changing and improving. Mentoring can help us accomplish this.