scil Vet abc Plus+
In House Hematology for your Veterinary Clinic
Getting CBC results has never been quicker or easier.
No Sample Prep
Requires no sample preparation, no spinning Small Sample size Only 10 µl of whole blood Results in 60 seconds
Comprehensive List of Parameters
WBC, RBC, PLT, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, and MPV. Additional for Dog, Cats & Horses: Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Granulocytes, and Eosinphiles (all% and #) and 3 Histograms: Leukocytes, Erythrocytes & Thrombocytes
9 Pre-Programmed Species
Comes pre-programmed with dog, cat, horse, cattle, rabbit, rat, mouse, sheep, and pig.
AXIS Q Integration
Integration with Henry Schein’s AXIS Q software that integrates your equipment with practice management software for streamlined workflow
Automation Pack De-Gassing
Automated pack de-gassing process now makes this self-contained pack system foolproof.
Quality Control
Streamlined quality control process - easy and on demand upload
Getting CBC results has never been quicker or easier for your veterinary clinic
Small Sample Size
Only 10 µl of whole blood Results in 60 seconds
Space Saving
Self-contained reagent pack
No Sample Prep
Requires no sample preparation, no spinning
Technical Details & Downloads
In House Hematology for your Veterinary Clinic
The scil Vet abc Plus+ hematology analyzer’s space saving, self-contained reagent pack, and easy to use touch screen makes it the perfect addition to any Veterinary clinic looking to add an in house lab. Getting CBC results has never been quicker or easier.
Pre-Programmed for 9 species, the scil Vet abc Plus+ provides the following parameters:
WBC, RBC, PLT, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV. Additional for Dog, Cats & Horses: Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Granulocytes and eosinphiles (all % and #), 3 Histograms: – Leukocytes, Erythrocytes & Thrombocytes.
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